Communication of Outcomes of SARs
10.1 Publication should be timely and publicise the key systemic risks identified through the SAR. Publication of the SAR will ordinarily be managed through the NYSAB website, but adapted as necessary for different audiences, including the public. Decisions about what, when, how and for how long to publish and disseminate findings are made with sensitive consideration of the wishes and impact on the person, family and others. A pseudonymised report will usually be published unless the NYSAB Independent Chair agrees there are exceptional circumstances not to do so. In such an event, an Executive Summary may be made available.
10.2 As North Yorkshire Heath and Adult Services are the lead agency for adult safeguarding, media and communication activity about the SAR will be co-ordinated by the North Yorkshire County Council’s Communications Unit on behalf of the Board (and in collaboration with the communications teams of the other agencies involved). North Yorkshire County Council’s Communications Unit will be briefed as soon as a decision has been made to undertake a SAR and will be kept up to date with the progress of the review by the SAR Panel Chair or nominated officer.
10.3 The NYSAB must include the findings from any SAR in its annual report and include what actions it has taken, or intends to take, in relation to the findings. Where the NYSAB decides not to implement a recommendation then it must state the reason for that decision in the annual report. The SAB maintains a public record of findings, actions and commentary to enable public accountability.