3. Engagement & Communication Responsibilities
3.1 The primary responsibility for implementing this strategy sits with the respective Partnerships and Board members.
Organisations in North Yorkshire which have a role in safeguarding have the following responsibilities:
- To be proactive in raising awareness of their role and work
- To promote the work of the Partnerships and Board with children, young people and adults across Children, Community Safety and Adult Services, professionals and the wider community
- To engage with children, young people and adults, professionals and the wider community to inform multi-agency policy and practice and to seek and listen to their feedback, views and experiences to help to review, evaluate and improve
- To engage with professionals to promote an understanding of the work the Partnerships and Board do and to inform of changes to policy, procedure, identify best practice and communicate the findings of Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPRs), Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) and both statutory and non-statutory Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)
- To support the development of all professionals involved in safeguarding
- To support all partners to understand their contribution
- To support children, young people, adults and the wider community to help them understand their role in safeguarding as well as listening to their views, opinions and their experiences of safeguarding
- To share good practice, ideas, good news and learning from quality assurance work including multi-agency audit
- To keep partners up to date with developments including changes to policies and procedure
- To define and implement clear lines of communication and to ensure consistency and transparency wherever possible
- To ensure that partners understand their responsibilities in respect of proactive communication and engagement and listening to children & young people, adults and communities
- To define and implement clear lines of communication and to ensure consistency and transparency wherever possible
3.2 The Partnerships and Board will seek evidence from partners to make sure that they are working to communicate and engage with people about safeguarding.
We will seek assurance from our partners via attendance as well as feedback and evaluation. Quarterly reports to our respective Partnerships will also highlight partner involvement in communications and engagement.