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How we will work together

7. How we will work together and how we will engage and communicate with our audience

7.1 In order to deliver an effective Calendar of Activity, a Campaign and Events Briefing Template will be used to co-ordinate how we deliver joint messages and consult with our audience.

7.2 Some channels and methods we will use for communicating and engaging are:

  • Accessible suite of joint safeguarding materials (i.e. leaflets, guides)
  • Social media campaigns
  • Board and Partnerships websites
  • Representation from partner organisations communication leads
  • Annual reports
  • Partnership minutes
  • SAB easy read minutes
  • NYSCP eBulletin
  • NYSAB newsletter
  • Targeted communications
  • Facilitated discussions
  • Safeguarding Conference

The channels and methods we use will also be determined by our audience and we will ensure we communicate in a way that is clear and in a way our audience finds most effective.

7.3 Accessible information

As part of our commitment to ensure that the information we develop and produce can be understood by all we will ensure that anything we produce is delivered in an accessible format whether this is easy read, audio, British Sign Language (BSL) and / or plain English.

We will encourage our partner organisations to do the same with information that they produce, develop and share.

With such a diverse population across North Yorkshire, we also have to ensure our information is accessible for those whom English is not a first language and this will be taken into account in the creation and development of information that is produced.

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