Accessible Guidance during the Coronavirus
updated 22/12/21
Given the ever-changing nature of the situation relating to COVID-19 our partners and organisations are updating their information regularly so that it is in line with guidance and advice from the Government and PHE.
Healthwatch have put together a list of links to Coronavirus advice and updates from a range of organisations, plus information in a variety of formats.
Healthwatch North Yorkshire – Coronavirus Information
The NY Partnerships website has a dedicated webpage to coronavirus information with links to up to date guidance and information in accessible formats. You can visit the webpage here
The national Covid-19 vaccination program is an important step in the response to the coronavirus. North Yorkshire County Council is working with the NHS, the Government and community organisations to make sure people have information they need about the vaccine, in a format that they can use. The NY Partnerships website has a page with links to helpful and accessible information about the Covid-19 vaccine. There is also information in different community languages. This can be found here
Photosymbols – Keep Safe
Photosymbols have put together a ‘keep safe’ website full of up to date accessible information and resources.
As well as easy read formats there are also audio versions, films and a question and answer section about things such as the Covid vaccine, Booster Jabs and testing.
Click on the drop down menu below for links to the resources
This webpage tells you about the coronavirus. It includes easy read resources and also audio information.
You can find it here on the Keep Safe website: Coronavirus information for people with a learning disability — Keep Safe – Easy Read Coronavirus Information
This webpage has videos about the Covid vaccine. You can also click on the questions at the bottom of the page for more information. These questions and answers are in both easy read and audio format.
You can find the webpage here on the Keep Safe website: Vaccine Questions Answered — Keep Safe – Easy Read Coronavirus Information
Photosymbols have free accessible coronavirus posters available here on the Keep Safe website: Keep Safe – Easy Read Coronavirus Information
They include up to date accessible information on things such as:
– Boosters
– Omicron
– Lateral Flow Tests and
– Coronavirus Vaccine