8. Measuring Success
8.1 We want to be in a position to be able to evidence that improvement is in- formed by feedback from those who access and deliver safeguarding and child & adult protection services in North Yorkshire.
8.2 The success of this strategy will be monitored via:
- Numbers of visitors to the Partnerships’ and Board websites and page visits;
- Numbers in attendance at public / partner and / or Partnership and Board workshops, conferences, briefings;
- Completed evaluations / feedback from professionals;
- Partner contributions to Partnerships’ & Board’s communications;
- Feedback from children and adults involved in the safeguarding process;
- Coverage in media and partner newsletters / publications;
- Implemented learning from audit activity and;
- Feedback from independent bodies
8.3 This will provide:
- Greater understanding of key messages for all audiences including learning from case reviews, audit and research, thus improving safeguarding practice across the partnership;
- Improved awareness of safeguarding issues;
- Enhanced knowledge and understanding of the role and remit of the Partnerships and Board;
- Better outcomes for children, young people and adults involved in safeguarding and;
- Increase in positive media coverage