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NYSAB meeting

As part of Safeguarding Week 2021 the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board recorded its quarterly meeting which took place on Wednesday 23rd June.

You can find the recordings for each of the agenda items discussed at the Board meeting in the drop down menu below.

Dr Sue Proctor, Independent Chair of the NYSAB, welcomes Board members to today’s meeting.

Dr Sue Proctor, Independent Chair of the NYSAB, presents the minutes from the previous Board meeting which took place on Wednesday 17th March, and updates on the activity of the action log.

Dr Sue Proctor, Independent Chair of the NYSAB, asks partners to provide updates on behalf of their organisations with regards to the Covid-19 response and recovery; specifically in relation to safeguarding adults.

Dr Sue Proctor, Independent Chair of the NYSAB, presents the report from the Executive meeting which took place on Tuesday 25th May.
As part of this report, the Board are asked to agree the updated Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Policy

Sheila Hall, Head of Engagement and Governance, presents the proposed Strategic Priorities for 2021-23 to the Board who are asked to approve these priorities.

Sheila Hall, Head of Engagement and Governance, presents the Delivery Plan to the Board

Sheila Hall, Head of Engagement and Governance, presents the Risk Register to the Board.

Given the importance of this subject; this item has been deferred to allow a thorough and detailed conversations with
Board partners who were unable to attend today’s meeting.

Abi Barron, Head of Service Development at North Yorkshire County Council, updates the Board on Care Market

Christine Pearson, Designated Nurse Safeguarding Adults for North Yorkshire CCG and Vale of York CCG, presented the LeDeR (Learning Disability Mortality Review) update

An update was given on the current Safeguarding Week campaign.

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