Outcomes from SARs
8.1 The SAR report should make visible the systemic risks to single and multi-agency safeguarding work, in order to have practical value in directing improvement actions. It is written with a view to being published. Details of the person are included as judged necessary to illuminate the learning and/or in line with the wishes of the individual or their family.
8.2 The NYSAB must ensure that there is sufficient analysis, scrutiny and evaluation of evidence throughout the SAR process. Analysis assumes a systems approach to safety and organisational reliability. Conclusions are of practical value, evidencing the wider learning identified about routine barriers and enablers to good practice, systemic risks and/or what has facilitated or obstructed change to date.
8.3 The Independent Chair of NYSAB will make appropriate arrangements for the SAR report and other records collected or created as part of the SAR process to be held securely and confidentially for an appropriate period in line with NYSAB’s information sharing agreement, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other legal requirements.
8.4 If criminal proceedings remain in place, the report will not be published until any criminal process is concluded on the grounds it may influence a trial; however, any learning can be embedded prior to completion.