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1.1 The Care Act 2014 provides a statutory basis for learning and review processes. Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) provide an opportunity to learn lessons when abuse or neglect is suspected to be a factor in the death or serious harm of an adult with care and support needs.

1.2 It is the responsibility of all partner agencies to make a referral for a SAR where there are reasonable grounds to consider the criteria for a SAR have been met. Partner agencies should not draw their own conclusions on whether the criteria are  met, but should make a referral to Learning and Review Group (LAR) which is a subgroup of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board (NYSAB).

1.3 All partner agencies have a responsibility to ensure that staff know about   SARs, their purpose and function. All partner agency staff must know how to refer a case for consideration to the LAR.

1.4 The LAR receives all SAR referrals and considers whether the referral meets the criteria to conduct a SAR, or whether any other action should be conducted to ensure learning takes place.

1.5 The LAR must include senior representatives from the following agencies:

  • North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) Health and Adult services
  • North Yorkshire Police
  • Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (ICS)
  • Local NHS trusts

1.6 The LAR will be considered quorate with representation from the three statutory agencies (Police, Local Authority and Integrated Care System) who are required to have suitably senior designated representatives.

1.7 The NYSAB, via its Independent Chair, is the only body in North Yorkshire that commissions SARs.

1.8 The policy and practice undertaken by the NYSAB strives to reflect the SAR Quality Markers published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). A copy of the markers can be found here:  https://www.scie.org.uk/safeguarding/adults/reviews/quality-markers

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