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2. Purpose

2.1 The SAR is a statutory learning-focused process, designed to have practical value by illuminating barriers and enablers to good practice, untangling systemic risks, and progressing improvement activities.

2.2 The purpose of a SAR is to determine what the relevant agencies involved in the case might have done differently that could have prevented harm or death. It therefore requires outcomes that:

  • establish what lessons can be learnt from the particular circumstances of a case in which professionals and agencies were involved in the care and support of an adult at risk of abuse and/or neglect
  • review the effectiveness of safeguarding procedures, both of individual organisations and multi-agency arrangements
  • inform and improve future practice by acting on the findings (developing best practice across all organisations)
  • highlight any good or bad practice identified within the review
  • lead to recommendations that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound)

2.3 Its purpose is not to hold any individual or organisation to account – other  processes exist for that, including criminal proceedings, disciplinary procedures, employment law and systems of service and professional regulation.

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