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What we will work on together

5. What we will work on together

5.1 Each year the SCP, CSP and SAB will agree a Calendar of Activity which is informed by local and national child and adult protection, Safeguarding Week, projects and campaigns. Our joint campaigns will be planned in line with existing awareness days and where there are joint messages identified by the Board and Partnerships’ respective priorities which include the following:

  • What is abuse, neglect, harm and exploitation
  • Keeping children / adults safe is a responsibility shared across the whole community
  • What to do if you are worried about a child and / or adult with care and sup- port needs
  • What does safe, safeguarding, adult protection, and child protection mean, including that everyone has a right to be free from harm and abuse
  • How to spot the signs and vulnerability indicators of the different types of abuse
  • What the different responsibilities to safeguard are, and how they should be fulfilled
  • A basic understanding of the role of the SCP, CSP and SAB, their priority are- as of business and how they can be accessed
  • Key changes in safeguarding nationally and locally and the implications of these

5.2 All SCP, CSP and SAB Board / Executive, sub / working groups / Joint Coordinating Groups (JCGs) and Local Safeguarding Partnerships (LSPs) can refer communication and engagement opportunities to the respective Partnership and Board.

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