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Safeguarding Week 2021: Carers Panel

As part of the Safeguarding Week campaign, the NYSAB wanted to specifically focus on keeping safe and safeguarding in care settings particularly during the Covid pandemic. And so we have formed a panel made up of family and unpaid carers, a registered care manager and those who give and receive care and support and also joining the panel are two self advocates.

We also have a representative from the Safeguarding Team at North Yorkshire County Council who will talk about what has been put in place to keep people safe in care and support settings.

During this session the panel will answer questions and discuss how people have overcome barriers, the effect the restrictions have had on how we safeguard those most at risk and the panel will also share good practice and discuss what things we have learnt that we could use going forward.

The resources and information on this page are for those who give and deliver care and support whether this be as an unpaid / family carer, those who work and / or volunteer within care and support settings and for those who deliver care and support within peoples’ home.

Resources for unpaid / family carers

The carer’s emergency card identifies you as a carer if you have an accident or cannot identify yourself. It is the size of a credit card.
The scheme offers 24-hour emergency cover, so if anything happens to you while you are out or you are suddenly taken ill at home we will get in touch with your identified emergency contact(s) or take appropriate action.
Anyone over 18 who cares for someone in North Yorkshire can apply for a card.
For more information on how to register your card or to apply for a card please visit the North Yorkshire County Council website by clicking here

North Yorkshire wants to thank the many people across the County who are caring for family members and friends during the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here to view the video and statement from North Yorkshire County Council

The Carers’ Resource offers a range of services across all its localities. We can provide individually tailored information to carers, professionals and vulnerable adults, on, for example:
– available support – whether financial, practical or emotional – and how to access it
– hospital admission and discharge processes
– advice on benefits entitlement (where we are able to do so)
– how to plan for the future, using our experience
– how to develop new hobbies and interests
– how to find leisure, learning and employment opportunities
– where you can go to form links with other carers through groups and activities
To find out more about the services we offer visit https://www.carersresource.org

Dementia Forward is a local charity supporting people living with dementia and their families across York and North Yorkshire. You can find out more about our team, our work and our plans for the future here. We have developed a range of services with people with dementia at their heart.
To find out more about the services Dementia Forward offer visit: https://www.dementiaforward.org.uk/services/

Fore more information about carer support groups and local support available from one of the five carers’ centres in North Yorkshire visit: Carer support groups and organisations | North Yorkshire County Council

Keeping Safe Resources

The resources below give lots of information about what a safeguarding concern is, the different types of abuse and neglect, how to speak up about abuse and how to report abuse.

A safeguarding concern is when you see, or have been told about, something that makes you think a person with care and support needs may be at risk of, or is experiencing, abuse or neglect.
It might also be where it is believed a person might be experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect but might have just support needs, (e.g. a carer).

Book 1 of the ‘Keeping Safe’ easy read guides tells you what abuse is and how you can spot the signs of abuse and neglect if you are worried about yourself or someone else

Book 2 of the ‘Keeping Safe’ easy read guides is about helping you to tell someone if abuse and neglect is happening to you or someone else

Book 3 of the ‘Keeping Safe’ easy read guides is about how you report abuse and neglect to North Yorkshire County Council

You can view and download our one minute guide to raising a safeguarding concern here: https://nysab.webc-dev.co.uk/working-with-adults/one-minute-guides-omg/raising-a-safeguarding-concern/

For more information on Safeguarding adults at risk, including information for providers, please visit https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/safeguarding-vulnerable-adults

Mental Health and Wellbeing

As people who deliver and receive care and support; this last year has been very hard for people, particularly with their mental health and wellbeing. Below are some of the resources available to help with mental health and wellbeing.

These resources are not meant to treat long term mental health conditions or those in crisis.

The last year has been very hard and lonely for lots of people. The self-advocates have made some activity packs to help you take care of your mental health and wellbeing.
The packs have ideas to help you think of ways to stay mentally well and who to talk to if you are feeling unhappy, lonely, depressed or anxious.
You can look at them on your computer or tablet or you can print them out and they are available here: https://nypartnerships.org.uk/mhactivitypack

The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.

For more information and to download the app (available for both Apple and Android devices) you can visit: https://hubofhope.co.uk

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.

For more information visit https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/

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