Joint Engagement and Communication Strategy
The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board, North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) and North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership have developed a Joint Engagement and Communication Strategy to ensure the work of the Board and Partnerships is effectively communicated to children, young people, adults families, professionals and the wider community in North Yorkshire.
We are working together to ensure people who live, work or visit North Yorkshire are aware of what ‘safeguarding’ means and have access to information that will help them make informed decisions and stay safe.
We want to listen to the views what people have to say to us about safeguarding whether this be feedback or sharing experiences.
The whole community needs to understand what abuse, exploitation, harm and neglect looks like as well as the roles they play in keeping people safe and promoting welfare. ‘Safeguarding is everybody’s business’.
This strategy is to be used alongside the Joint Engagement and Communications Supplementary Guide which includes the following tools and templates needed to carry out engagement and communication across the Board and Partnerships:
- Joint Engagement and Communication Statement
- Partnership and Board Consultations Brief
- Engagement and Communication Plan
- Calendar of Activity
- Campaign and Briefing Template
The strategy can be accessed in the dropdown menu and is available to download below.