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Strategic Priorities

Strategic Priorities 2021 – 2023


This guide sets out the four strategic priorities of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board for 2021- 2023 and what they mean for people living, working and volunteering in North Yorkshire

What are strategic priorities?

Strategic Priorities are the key areas the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board wants to work on over a set period of time.

By working on and delivering these priorities we aim to keep adults in North Yorkshire safe from harm, abuse and neglect.

These priorities show how we will help and protect people with care and support needs at risk of abuse and neglect.

Our strategic priorities are based on the 6 principles from the Care Act 2014

The Care Act Principles and what these mean for the people of North Yorkshire

Empowerment – “I am asked what I want as the outcomes from the safeguarding enquiry and these directly inform what happens”.

Prevention – “I receive clear and accessible information about what abuse is, how to recognise the signs of abuse and here I can report it and get help”.

Proportionality – “I am sure that the professionals will work for my best interests as I see them and will only get involved as much as needed”.

Partnership – “I know that those who care for and support me treat any personal and sensitive information confidentially, only sharing what is helpful and necessary. I am confident that people will work together to get the best for me.

Accountability – “I understand the role of everyone involved in my life”.

Protection – “I get help and support to report abuse. I get help to take part in the safeguarding process to the extent of which I want and to which I am able”.

Priority 1

Reconnect with communities in North Yorkshire


To ensure the people in North Yorkshire understand what safeguarding is, recognise the signs of abuse and neglect and know how to report it.

We want to give the people of North Yorkshire a voice and the opportunity to feedback to the Board to help us improve and develop our services to help keep adults at risk safe.


We will work together to develop ways to prevent abuse and neglect.

We will continue to raise awareness about safeguarding through our campaigns and activities to help people understand their role in keeping themselves and others safe – safeguarding is everybody’s business.

We will continue to co-produce accessible resources with the North Yorkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board (NY LDPB) to provide people with the information and tools they need to take action to prevent abuse and neglect.

We will work closely with Healthwatch to engage with people across North Yorkshire to hear their views.

There is also a commitment to making the Local Safeguarding Partnerships more effective and to have a stronger connection to the Board. This will help to raise awareness, engage with people in the communities and take action in each area of North Yorkshire.

Priority 2

Have safeguarding policies and procedures that are in line with best practice


To make sure we meet the needs of adults at risk of abuse, harm and neglect across North Yorkshire now and in the future.


We will ask partners to tell us how they use the policies and procedures to keep adults at risk safe.

We will review our policies and procedures regularly to make sure they are effective and will change and update them when needed.

We will develop new policies and procedures to keep people safe and make sure these are in line with best practice.

We will share existing and new policies and procedures widely and publish on our website so they are available for all.

We will make sure the work we have done is working and is making a difference.

You can find our current policies and procedures on our website at: https://nysab.webc-dev.co.uk/NYSAB-procedures

Priority 3

Work together effectively with partners and organisations


To have a strong joined up way of working to prevent abuse, harm and neglect.

To make sure people and organisations are doing the things they said they would to prevent abuse.


We will strengthen our links and joint partnership working with the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) and North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership (NYCSP), and focus on topics such as modern slavery and suicide prevention.

We will carry out safeguarding adult reviews where appropriate.

We will identify and share learning with partners from our review.

We will ensure our partners and organisations have carried out their actions from reviews and can show the Board how they have done this.

We will collect and review better and qualitative safeguarding data and share information. This will help identify themes and trends and help to monitor, plan for and respond to any risks.

We will review substance misuse services to identify how effective these services are for adults at risk in North Yorkshire.

We will review the recent safeguarding adult review recommendation around housing from the ‘Anne’ SAR and look at how we can work together and keep safe those people who are homeless.

Priority 4

Adapt and respond to changes affecting how we safeguard adults in North Yorkshire


As well as changes that happen locally and regionally there are also national changes which affect the way we safeguard adults that the Board needs to adapt and respond to.


We will share local and national learning from COVID. This will help with the future planning around safeguarding, particularly in relation to inequalities.

We will learn from other organisations and partnerships across the region and country. We will also invite other organisations and authorities to review our work.

We will ensure that partners are aware of the effect the Mental Health Act Review will have on the way they work, how we safeguard adults and what this means for the people of North Yorkshire.

We will improve the links between the Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) process and NYSAB to make sure that any learning from the reviews into those people with learning disabilities is understood and that any actions are carried out.

We will identify changes and take action as a result of the changes within the NHS, including the Integrated Care Systems (ICS).

We will make plans for any changes that take place as a result of ‘The New Council’ in North Yorkshire.


Strategic Priorities 2021-23

Strategic Priorities – One page guide

Strategic Priorities 2021-23 (Easy Read)

Strategic Priorities – Audio version

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